Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blog Post #5- Free Topic- My dorm

I believe that everyone has a certain place that is their center, their place to get away, their place to relax. As we move to college, many students lose their beloved serenity spot. They are moved into an unfamiliar place with many unfamiliar people. Where do they go to get away in a place they don’t even know? Last year, during my first year of college, I struggled with that very same problem. I never knew where to go to be purely in Zen. Every place I went was strange and not mine. So, one day I got fed up and decided that if I couldn’t find a place to be my own, I’d make one. From that point on, I worked on covering all the walls with memories of things that made me happy. I used pictures, old letters that I had kept, a giant pirate flag that I commandeered from a friend and many different band posters. From that point on I felt the year went by much more smoothly. My room here at Wesleyan is no different. I have taken all the creativity I have in my to create a room that makes me smile every time that I walk in it. Even though I was supposed to be living in an apartment on campus and got moved into Burt Hall which is notorious for their extremely tiny rooms, I still enjoy every inch of my dorm. On the North wall you’ll find that you can’t even see the color of the paint on the walls because they are covered from ceiling to floor in my favorite pictures and favorite memories. The East wall, which houses the only window to my cell, has a large Beatles poster and other random letters or notes that I cherish. The South wall is completely covered in band posters including Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, the Ramones, and Pink Floyd. The west wall, where our closets are found, is far from bare as well. Underneath my loft you can find a groovy Buddhist tapestry that my roommate brought. Underneath her loft is the pirate flag that I so cherish. If you look on the ceiling, you’ll find an abstract version of the sun and moon made out of construction paper. Everyone always tells me how my room looks like they just stepped into the 60/70s. My room is definitely my comfort place. All I can say is that I’m glad my roommate has the same hippy style as me!

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