Sunday, November 9, 2008

Writing Practice

I choose this image because I think that is displays a great amount of irony. When I typed into the search engine “21st century,” this was one of the pictures that was offered to me. It automatically called to my attention simply because it was such and artistic piece of work but it was also just a toilet.
After I clicked on the attachment, I read more about the origin on this strange “statue.” This was a toilet created by an American designer for some new age housing contest. Further on I read that while touring in America, the toilet received much positive attention but when the show traveled overseas, the toilet didn’t get quite the positive review.

After reading those points, I realized that there is so much to this picture that most people aren’t even going to consider. I started to think of other ironies that were connected with this painting. For one, it was created by an American man. What other countries look at toilets like that? Another point is how the American’s ideas of the toilet totally clashed with the ideas of all the foreign countries.

One other point that this toilet reminded me of is how many old time art critics constantly say that we have lost all good forms of art in these days. Many critics believe that nothing created now is art because it’s so far from where art started. It’s so far from the traditional ideas that they don’t believe it is truly art. This present day toilet portrait seems to symbolizes the old critics ideas that recent day art has gone into the toilet.